


Choose the right event for your business.

To make the most of your exhibition experience you should first satisfy yourself that the event’s visitor 

profile matches your customer profile. 
Exhibition organizers keep records of everyone passing through the doors. You can obtain an audited 
breakdown of past show visitors from the organised. Make sure the visitors are your target audience. If 
you get the chance, visit the show first to assess its appearance, organisation and success. Speak to 
companies who exhibited at the last show and ask how successful it was.

Venue web sites will have all the info for your specific event such as:
 • Dates
 • Venue
 • Opening Hours
 • Admission Price
 • Event Type
 • Frequency of Event
 • No. of Visitors
 • No. of Exhibitors
 • Organiser’s Contact Details:

How to find the right show for you:
 • Ask the event organised to supply historical demographic statistics
 • Ask for audited proof of past visitor numbers
 • Ask for the event-marketing plan. Does it hit your target audience?
 • Survey companies who have exhibited at the event before.
 Did it work for them?
 • Identify any industry association support or endorsements
 • Is the organiser a member of the Exhibition & Event Association?
 • Investigate the track record of the organiser. What other events do they run, 
 years in the business, financial strength and their credibility in the business 

Exhibitions are great way to introduce your products in the market and to generate more customers. 
Thousands of people attend exhibitions and all are in search of good and quality products.

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