
Exhibition Info

Jewellery Salon 2025 Saudi Arabia

Jewellery Salon 2025 Saudi Arabia
The Most Exclusive Jewellery Exhibition in the GCC
Date:  10 - 14 February 2025
Venue:  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


JS is a Jewellery exhibition in Saudi Arabia that aims to reinvent the landscape of KSA’s jewellery industry by uniting reputed international and local designers on a single platform. The event aims to showcase the luxurious and well-crafted ornaments to an exclusive clientele which represents high-profile personalities and royalty. As the most exclusive jewellery exhibition in the Middle East and North Africa, JS is a decade in the making and has a one of a kind story that exudes a timeless charm and an aura of magnificence which is unlike any other.

Jewellery Salon is Saudi Arabia’s well-established and premier showcase for fine jewellery and watches and welcomes both international and local brands.
Last year saw over 80 exhibitors from some 15 countries take stands in a luxurious but secure environment.
The event is now in its 9th year in Jeddah and 7th year in Riyadh and they are held under the patronage of the Saudi Royal Family In 2017, Jewellery Salon welcomed over 4,000 visitors, the majority of whom were serious, high net worth buyers and investors. This is the event that allows our informed visitors to see your precious exhibits in person.
It is the undisputed forum where planned major purchases take place and we offer private seating areas where viewings can be held with discretion.
Jewellery Salon continues to see year-on-year growth and is the market leader in the sector.

Number of visit : 6,247

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