
Exhibition Info

Aviasvit-XXI 2024 Ukraine

Aviasvit-XXI 2024 Ukraine
International Aviation and Space Salon
Date:  Probably September 2024
Venue:  International Exhibition Centre, Ukraine


On September 2024, the XIII International Aviation and Space Salon Aviasvit ‑ XXI, an exhibition event in Ukraine for the aviation industry and space technology, will be held at the International Exhibition Center (IEC, Brovarskyi Prospekt 15, "Livoberezhna" Metro station, Kyiv, Ukraine).

The salon will be held jointly with the International Exhibition "Arms and Security". WHY UKRAINE? Ukraine has a full cycle of space technology development and experience in the construction of spaceports, as well as a complete production cycle of aircraft and equipment. Since 2019, private companies are allowed to conduct space activities and even carry out space launches.

Ukrainian military transport aircraft proved to be among the best ones in the whole world. Ukraine owns a powerful base of repair, aircraft and engine building enterprises, where nowadays the production lines are being re equipped, while programs directed towards the replacement of Russian components are being implemented.

Ukraine has bountiful traditions of personnel training, a large number of professionals, as well as significant research potential. As for now, the aviation industry is becoming one of the most attractive and promising for investment in Ukraine, while air transportation in Ukraine has the highest growth rates in Europe.

Number of visit : 4,890

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