
Exhibition Info

Broadcast Prolight + Sound 2024 Pakistan

Broadcast Prolight + Sound 2024 Pakistan
Broadcast & Media Exhibition
Date:  25 - 26 April 2024
Venue:  Karachi Expo Center, Pakistan


The Event aims to showcase latest technologies in 4K / UHD, DVB-T2, Multi-screen Streaming, OTT, Sports casting, HDTV, ENG/EFP/SNG, studio equipment, microwave, transmitters and receivers, test and measurement, lighting, power, cable and accessories, professional sound, audio equipment and multimedia and many more, alongside leading international exhibitors. As the internet and TV begin to converge, we see the rise of next generation broadcasting services and the introduction of new business models and competitive landscape. This convergence brings with it new players and challenges, driving the need for more robust and competitive offerings. The Mobile Satellite Services sector is showing strong growth, with increasing importance for communications in the maritime, airline, military markets and explore next generation MSS products in the Event. The pace at which content is generated has increased exponentially, making it important for broadcasters and productions / post-production houses to effectively manage and monetize their media asset. As global production investment budgets continue to shrink, producers create content that appeal to the audiences and find new ways to get their great stories and ideas to them.

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Number of visit : 4,587

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